As dogs age, their joints and muscles can ache a little more and at times their energy levels may decrease. A slow-moving dog who doesn't jump up on the furniture anymore could be experiencing some form of arthritis or joint pain.

Some of those subtle hints of arthritis may include your pet tiring more easily, feeling pain if they are touched on aching joints, limping or favouring a leg, licking or biting joints and finding it hard to get up off the ground.
Your pet suffering from arthritis or hip dysplasia may sound scary, but it doesn't have to be. With the right care and a few simple changes, they can live long, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Your vet can create a joint support management plan tailored to your pet's needs.

To help alleviate some of their symptoms, the management plan may include:
  • Exercise - Regular and varied activity is important as it helps maintain range of motion and muscle tone.
  • Comfort - Comfortable and supportive bedding as well as a warm sleeping area can do wonders for arthritic pets.
  • Supplements - Giving your dog joint support supplements for early intervention and ongoing maintenance could reduce symptoms in the long term and help those prone to joint conditions.
  • Weight management - It is important for your pet to maintain a healthy weight range because excess weight can put unnecessary pressure on their joints.
  • Prescription medication.
Please note: Any information we provide is general information only, for professional advice please seek a veterinarian