Cat Odour Control and Cleaning Guide

Your Complete Cat Odour Control and Cleaning Guide

We all love our fluffy feline friends! They provide us with love, companionship, entertainment, and comfort. However, they can sometimes be a little bit smelly and messy, right?

Our cats give us so much and enrich our lives in many ways, so it is only fair that we take care of the cleaning side of things and get that odour under control so that it doesn't become the main scent in our homes. 

Whether you are wondering how to clean dried cat urine from carpet or you want some great cat litter smell control tips, we have got you covered. Below, we will take you through everything you need to know about cat odour control and cleaning in your home. 

Why Are Cat Smells So Hard to Remove?

You may be frustrated by the fact that cat smells are so difficult to get rid of. Unfortunately, cat smells, especially cat urine, can be very difficult to get rid of because of their chemical makeup. 

Cat urine is made up of  many compounds.  It contains uric acid, urea and creatinine which are all produced by the body's metabolic processes.  Once outside the body, they then break down further to form ammonia, which is one of the things that gives cat urine its characteristic smell.  Cat urine also contains pheromones.  These are particularly concentrated in the urine of male cats as the pheromones help them mark their territory. Common cleaning agents are not effective at removing these compounds  and the smell can end up lingering in your property for years if you do not know how to get rid of it effectively. 

Removing Cat Urine From Carpet

To remove cat urine from your carpet, you need to track down the source of the smell. Make sure you do this quickly, as carpets absorb cat urine quickly. The smell is only going to get worse the longer it sits there. Plus, cats love to pee in the same spot!

Next, you should use an old rag or paper towel to blot the spot with cold water. Once you have done this, use an enzymatic cleaner to douse the spot. This sort of cleaning agent will use special enzymes to break down difficult stains. 

After this, time for some more blotting! You may want to sprinkle some baking soda onto the stain after this, which will further help in terms of neutralising the smell of cat urine. Finally, open up the windows to let in some air and finish off with a Pet Odour Eliminator to freshen up the room. 

TIP:  Avoid using heat or hot water as this can interact with the compounds in the urine making the smell harder to remove.

Removing Old Cat Urine From Carpet

If the urine has been present on your carpet for quite some time, you will need something that can get rid of more difficult stains. A great choice is:

What To Do If Your Cat Urinates On A Mattress or Bedding 

For some reason, cats have a habit of doing their business in the worst places, such as our own beds! In order to get rid of cat pee from your bed, here are the steps you should take:

  1. Clean the pee as quickly as you can - Use an enzyme-based cleaner that is specifically designed for breaking down the acid in your cat’s urine. Avoid anything that has ammonia in it, as it smells like cat pee and could attract your feline friend back to the spot. 
  2. Use cool water to rinse the spot on your bedding 
  3. Washing your bedding in the washing machine - Use a mixture of either cider vinegar or baking soda with detergent. If it still smells after the first wash, do a second round and use an enzyme cleaner. 
  4. Air-dry the bedding or mattress - Do not use your tumble dryer, just in case the scent has not gone entirely. If it hasn’t, and you put it in the tumble dryer, the heat  can end up locking the scent in. 

You may find that the bedding needs to be washed a few times before the smell is gone fully. 

Removing Cat Urine and Feces From Leather

Not all cleaning products agree with leather, which is why you need to be careful when it comes to cleaning leather furniture and removing those odours without ruining your leather products.

  1. Find out where the stain is - If you have a dark leather sofa, for example, and the urine has dried, you may need to utilise a blacklight to find out where the urine stain is. 
  2. Test the cleaning product - Test for colour fastness by spraying a little bit of the enzyme cleaner in an inconspicuous spot on the leather furniture piece. Then, wipe it with a paper towel. Some leather dyes are water-soluble. So, if the colour comes off onto the paper towel, you should not use the cleaner in question. 
  3. Spray the area - If the cleaner has passed the test, lightly spray the area. Blot it gently and thoroughly with a paper towel. If you notice that there is a yellow coloured substance on the paper towel, the cleaner is working. 
  4. Blot the area - Now, mix an equal amount of warm water with white vinegar. Add in a touch of pet odour neutraliser, and apply this using a spray bottle. After this, blot the area. Keep doing this until the paper towels no longer have any odour or discolouration on them. 

Keeping Your Cats Litter Box Clean

You will also need to make sure that you keep your cat’s litter box clean. After all, this can be a major source of mess and smell in any cat owner’s home. So, here are some tips to help you when keeping your cat’s litter box clean:

  • Place a litter box in your laundry room or bathroom - Keep your litter box away from furniture or carpet that will absorb the smells. Curtains, pillows, furniture, and carpet can all absorb cat odours. 
  • Use a lid to cover your little box - If you use a litter box with a cover it will trap a lot of the odours that escape with an open-air model. You may also think about purchasing a little box that has both a lid and an in-built air filter. 
  • Utilise an odour-eliminating air freshener between every usage - A lot of the different air fresheners on the market today will trap airborne particles that contain odours, reducing them on contact. 
  • Put baking soda on the bottom of your cat’s litter box - Put this on the bottom of your litter box, and then add kitty litter. After this, add an extra layer of baking soda, and then some litter. Combining baking soda and quality cat litter will create a powerful odour-destroying combination. 
  • Clean your cat’s litter box on a daily basis - Yes, it can take a bit of time, but cleaning your cat’s litter box on a daily basis is an effective way of stopping odours and keeping waste from accumulating. It also gives you the ability to keep a watch on the health of your pet. After all, irregular bathroom habits can often be the first sign of an illness. 

How Often Should You Change Your Cats Litter?

Ideally, you should make sure that you spot clean your cat tray on a daily basis. Furthermore, the litter should be replaced at least once per week. If the tray is left to become too dirty, cats may start using your floor instead, so it really does matter how regularly you change your cat's litter.  

How Often Should You Deep Clean A Litter Tray?

We recommend that you do a deep clean of your cat’s litter tray at least once per week. You can use water and vinegar to clean the box, or you can use warm water and dish soap. You should never use traditional bleach because it can interact with the ammonia in the kitten’s urine. 

Does Cat Litter Help Reduce Odour?

Yes, cat litter can make a great deodoriser because it will contain ingredients that are designed to eliminate odour. We have already mentioned baking soda earlier in this guide. Some may also contain the likes of activated charcoal, which can also help with getting rid of cat smells. 

Plus, unpleasant odours tend to be linked with moisture and dampness, and cat litter can help in terms of drawing out any moisture that could be contributing to the smell. 

Why is Your Cat Weeing Outside of the Litter Box?

If your cat has started to pee outside of the litter box, it can be rather frustrating. However, it is important to understand some of the reasons why this may happen. 

  • Your cat does not like the type of litter you use - Kittens discover the sort of litter they prefer at about three weeks old. Not all cats are the same, so you need to figure out what litter your cat likes. 
  • The litter box is in a hard to reach area - The placement of your cat’s litter box could be the issue. Make sure the litter box is easy to get at but still offers some privacy.
  • Your cat is feeling stressed and anxious - It could be a cry for help. Cats do not like changes in their environment. Any change, small or big, can have a large impact. 
  • Your cat may not like their litter box - One of the main reasons why cats start urinating outside of their litter box is simply because they do not like it. So, start by reassessing your little box. Make sure it is as desirable and clean as possible. Plus, place the litter box in a quiet yet accessible part of your property. 
  • Size and number matter - Cat’s do not like to share litter trays.  You should have one tray per cat and one spare.  They do not need to all be in the same place in your house.  Make sure your cat can comfortably sit in the tray to do it’s business.
  • Your cat is unwell - There may be a medical reason. Arthritis can make it difficult for a cat to get into position in it’s tray.  It may have a urinary tract problem or a condition causing excessive urination.  Be sure to check with your vet.

What Causes a Cat to Spray?

Cats will usually spray when they feel stressed or threatened. They will then mark their territory so they feel more secure. 

How to Get Cat Spray Smell Out of the House

To get rid of the cat spray smell from your home, acting quickly is a must. We also recommend that you use a natural, non-toxic cleaner. Baking soda is a great natural cleaning agent. You can then use an enzyme-neutralizing cleaner. Now, clean, and repeat! Finally, air the room.

Do Home Remedies for Cat Odour Removal Actually Work?

Whether it is a vomit stain or a urine stain, you may want to consider using a homemade cleaner to get rid of it. Homemade cleaners can successfully get rid of the stain and the odour that sometimes lingers. However, you need to make sure you get the mixture right. Remember, do a spot test on a little area before you clean it to ensure that it is not going to cause any discolouration or damage. 


White or apple cider vinegar can be useful  In helping to clean up cat urine.  But it should always be diluted and you need to be careful.  If it is not diluted enough the smell of the vinegar might entice your cat to return to the spot.


We NEVER advise using bleach to clean cat urine. The reason for this is that there is a lot of ammonia in cat urine, which will create a toxic gas when it is mixed with chlorine bleach. This can be damaging to humans and pets.. 

Lemon Juice

Finally, lemon juice should also be avoided. This is because citrus fruits, including lemon, have compounds in them that can be toxic to cats.

Wrap Up

So there you have it: everything you need to know about getting rid of different cat stains and odours from your home. We hope that the tips we have provided above have been helpful for you. Take a look at our odour control and cleaning products so that you have everything you need to keep your home smelling amazing and looking clean. If you have any queries or concerns about the products we have for sale, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today for more information. 

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